Initial Requirements
- Check Eagle Scout rank requirements
- Begin collecting information for Eagle Application
- Review alternative requirements if applicable

Project Planning
- Download the current Eagle Project Workbook
- Plan your project proposal
- Get required approvals before starting

Project Execution
- Complete project workbook sections
- Document with before/during/after photos
- Obtain final signatures

Final Steps
- Schedule Eagle Board of Review
- Prepare application and letters
- Attend in full uniform with merit badge sash
Submitting Your Project Proposal
Akela Eagle Board Chairman – Bradley Gibson
Akela District Eagle Board meets the 2nd Monday of each month.
The project proposal may be delivered to any Akela Board member or the Old North State Council Office – 1405 Westover Terrace Greensboro, NC 27408 (336-378-9166).
Once the project proposal is reviewed and approved by the Board, it will be available for the Scout or the Scoutmaster to pick up. If the project is not approved, a board member will contact the Scout or the Scoutmaster to discuss what action needs to be taken.
Eagle application and project workbook is to be submitted to the Scout office before the first Monday of the month.
After completing the project, having met all leadership requirements and earned all required merit badges and rank, the Scout is ready for the final board of review. Submit the Eagle Application and the Eagle Scout Service Project Report to the Scout office for verification. This package should also include two letters of recommendation (NOT FROM SCOUT LEADERS OR FAMILY MEMBERS). Be sure requirement #6 on the application has been completed.
An ONSC staff member will forward this package to the Akela District Eagle Board for the final approval. The Akela District Eagle Board meets the second Monday of each month at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church at 1225 Chestnut Drive, corner of Westchester Drive. Upon entering the Church campus, take the road on the right of the circle down to the west side of the Church. Enter at “West Entrance II”, first room on the right.
The candidate should appear in full Scout uniform, including their merit badge sash. The sash should have all merit badges earned attached to it.
After this final board of review, if approved, the application will be submitted to the BSA National Office for final approval. It usually takes two-three weeks to receive notification once the application is submitted. The Scoutmaster will be notified when the Eagle Scout award material, along with the Scout’s project book is available for pick-up.
The Akela District Eagle Review Board will select one Eagle Scout per year to be honored as the Eagle Scout of the Year at the Akela District Annual Banquet, (time and place TBA). The candidate shall have completed the Eagle Board of Review from December of previous year through November of current year. All applications must be received by the Akela District Eagle Review Board no later than their December meeting. Click here for application…
Alamance Eagle Board Chairman: Tom Steele e-mail: tom.steele@pittmansteelelaw.com
1694 Westbrook Ave., Burlington, NC 27216
The Alamance Eagle Board meets the 2nd Monday of each month. Eagle applications and project notebooks are due to Tom Steele’s Office in Burlington (1694 Westbrook Avenue, Burlington, NC 27215-9700) on the Wednesday prior to the Eagle Board of Review (i.e. For November 2019, the Eagle Board of Review is Monday, November 11th, so all items are due on Wednesday, November 5th).
Before starting on a project, it must be approved first by the Troop and then by the Alamance Dist. Eagle Board. Project notebooks must be submitted to the council office two weeks in advance.
Once a project is reviewed, it will be returned to the Scout’s Scoutmaster.
After completing the project, meeting all leadership requirements and earning all required merit badges and rank you are ready for the final board of review. The Alamance Dist. Eagle Board meets the second Monday of each month at the First Presbyterian Church on 508 West Davis Street in Burlington beginning at 7 PM.
The Eagle application, project notebook with proper signatures and two letters of recommendation must be submitted to the council office two weeks in advance.
Appear in full Scout Uniform and be sure to include your merit badges sash which should have attached to it all merit badges that you have earned for the rank of Eagle. The Alamance Eagle Board requires that two committee members from your Troop (not the Scoutmaster or a relative) attend your review.
After your final review, the application will be submitted to the National Office for final approval. It usually takes two weeks to receive notification from the National Office once the application is submitted. When the National Office returns the application to the Council Service Center, the Scout will receive notification by mail from the Scout Executive. The Scoutmaster will be contacted to pick up the Eagle Award and notebook from the Council Service Center.
Rockingham Co. – Delores Weber, 336-601-4638 or weberhd@msn.com
Person Co. – Jack Pleasant – 336-583-6666 or buffalojack7@gmail.com
All Eagle Scout Projects must be approved by the Eagle Board of Review before any work can begin on a project.
After completing the project, meeting all leadership requirements and earning all required meritbadges and rank you are ready for the final board of review.
The Eagle application, project notebook with proper signatures and three letters of recommendation must be submitted to the District Eagle Board. Applications must be checked by the Council before an Eagle Board of Review is conducted.
Appear in full Scout Uniform and be sure to include your merit badges sash which should have attached to it all merit badges that you have earned for the rank of Eagle.
After your final review, the application will be submitted to the National Office for final approval. It usually takes two weeks to receive notification from the National Office once the application is submitted. When the National Office returns the application to the Council Office, the scout will receive notification by mail from the Scout Executive. The scoutmaster will be contacted to pick up the Eagle Award and notebook from the Council Office.
Guilford District Eagle Board Chairman: Rob O’Hanlon Robertohanlon1@yahoo.com
1405 Westover Terrace, Greensboro, NC 27429
Before starting on a project, it must be approved first by the Troop and then by the Guilford District Eagle Board. Project notebooks must be submitted to the Council Service Center (Scout office) one week in advance. The Scout needs to submit he project in electronic version by emailing it to angela.wilson@scouting.org or bring a copy that can be scanned (not in sheet protectors) to the Scout office. Bring the original project notebook to the Project Review Meeting. The advisor and the Scout are invited to attend the project board of review.
The deadline for review is the first Tuesday of the month for review held the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Scout office. The Scout is required to attend this meeting.
Once a project is reviewed, it will be returned to the Scout. If a project is not approved, the Scout may make the necessary revisions and resubmit it directly to the board member that is assigned to the project. The Scout does not have to wait until the next month’s review.
After completing the project, meeting all leadership requirements and earning all required merit badges and rank, the Scout is ready for the final board of review. The Guilford District Eagle Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Scout office.
The ORIGINAL COPY of your completed and signed project notebook and your eagle application are turned in at the Scout office before 5:00 PM on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Email copies will not be accepted. You will receive a confirmation email stating the time of your Eagle Board of Review.
Appear in full Scout Uniform and be sure to include your merit badges sash which should have attached to it all merit badges that you have earned for the rank of Eagle.
After your final review, the application will be submitted to the National Office for final approval. It usually takes two weeks to receive notification from the National Office once the application is submitted. When the National Service Center returns the application to the Scout office, the Scout will receive notification by mail from the Scout Executive. The Scoutmaster will be contacted to pick up the Eagle Award and notebook.
Proposals – Mike Dornbush, rdornbush1950@gmail.com, (336) 625-8917 130 Lake Point Rd, New London, NC 28127-9374
Final Approval – Huntley Bossong, hbossong@bossonghosiery.com
Project Proposal Reviews
Complete up to step 7 of those listed here. Incomplete applications will require returning the following month.
Before starting the project, it must be reviewed by the Troop and then by the Randolph County Eagle Project Review Board.
The Eagle Project Review Board meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at First Presbyterian Church (across from Asheboro High School). Scout and Scoutmaster (or other adult) must attend this meeting. Please notify Mike Dornbush at least 1 week prior. The board will not meet if no notifications are submitted.
Please have the project proposal in a three-ring binder with pages in sheet protectors. Also bring 1 extra copy of proposal (can be loose). Please keep project binder up to date during project process because it will be required at final board of review.
Important items to be completed are the Contact Information (Proposal page B) including BSA PID number (on membership card), Service Project Proposal (pages A-E) and required signatures (Proposal page E).
A letter from the beneficiary organization approving the project is recommended but not required.
Final Approval
After completing the project and the Troop Board of Review, you are ready for the final board of review. The final Eagle packet (original only) must be turned into the Old North State Council office for verification a minimum of two weeks prior to the Eagle Board meeting date.
The Randolph County Eagle Board meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Bossong Hosiery Mill, 840 W. Salisbury Street, Asheboro. You will be notified by Huntley Bossong of the scheduled time for your review. Each Scout should be introduced to the Eagle Board by his Scoutmaster. Bring 1 extra (may be loose) of final workbook including pictures and Eagle Scout Application.
The Davidson/Davie County Eagle Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Shiloh Church in Lexington (943 NC HWY-150, Lexington NC, 27295) meetings are held in the shelter behind the church or in the Scout room which can be accessed behind the church.
Scouts are asked to arrive at 6:30pm to present a project proposal. Project proposals are open and reviewed each month.
Eagle board of reviews are scheduled after the Eagle candidate submits their final and completed workbook and Eagle application to the Royce Reynolds Scout service center in Greensboro. Eagle boards of review will be scheduled starting at 7 pm. To schedule reviews, applications, and workbook must be submitted by the end of the month to allow time to be verified. Candidates and Scoutmasters will receive email notifications prior to their scheduled review.
For additional information please contact Eagle Board chair Ken Clodfelter at kclodfelter1945@gmail.com (if you are a Scout, please remember to copy your parent and Scoutmaster to any correspondence with adult volunteers).
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Royce Reynolds Family Scout Center
1405 Westover Terrace, Greensboro, North Carolina 27408
Scout Office
Office 336 378-9166
Fax 336-617-9196
Mon – Fri 8:30am – 5pm
Scout Shop
(336) 235-0977
Mon – Fri 10am – 5pm
(closed for lunch 2-2:30)
Sat 10am – 2pm