Unit Fundraising
Build Your Ideal Year in Scouting
How Scouting is Funded & How it is Spent
Units can utilize various fund-raising methods that align with National Council and local council guidelines, with approval from their unit committee and chartered organization.
Primary Funding Sources:
Member-paid weekly or monthly dues
Unit product sales (such as popcorn)
Chartered organization contributions
Additional approved money-earning projects
How Funds Are Used:
Unit activities including camping and other events
Program supplies for unit activities
Equipment (tents, camp stoves, Pinewood Derby® tracks)
Advancements and awards (rank emblems, merit badges)
Local Council Level
Funding Sources:
- Friends of Scouting donations
- Special events
- Product sales (including popcorn)
- Legacies and bequests
- Foundation grants
- Local United Ways
- Activity fees (summer camp, camporees, etc.)
- Investment income and endowments
How Funds Are Used:
- Maintenance of camp properties and council service center
- Insurance provision
- Membership records maintenance
- Employee salaries and benefits
- Program supplies for council-sponsored youth activities
- Volunteer training programs

Unit Fundraising Resources

Royce Reynolds Family Scout Center
1405 Westover Terrace, Greensboro, North Carolina 27408
Scout Office
Office 336 378-9166
Fax 336-617-9196
Mon – Fri 8:30am – 5pm
Scout Shop
(336) 235-0977
Mon – Fri 10am – 5pm
(closed for lunch 2-2:30)
Sat 10am – 2pm